Minor in Possession (MIP)
See class schedule/dates and register online by using the above tabs.
Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, requires
minors convicted of first or subsequent offenses for the
purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic
beverages to attend an alcohol awareness course
approved by the department in addition to assessing a
The standardized program is six hours in length and is designed to help participants increase their knowledge about alcohol and drugs among young people.
Specific course topics include societal values related to alcohol consumption by minors, the influence of alcohol advertising on young people, the physical, social and psychological effects of alcohol upon young people; the relationship between motor vehicle and other accidents and alcohol use; relevant laws relating to the purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, drinking patterns and problems of young people including abuse and addiction and decision making skills.
Training for instructors and administrators in the use of the curriculum is on going.
Course Fee (6-hours): $80.00
We accept Cash, Money Orders, & Credit/Debit Cards (Online Only)
We do not accept personal checks.