Frequently Asked Questions
Are these courses state approved?
The DWI, DOEP, and AEPM (MIP) classes are state approved.
I got my DUI/DWI ticket from another state. Will this class fulfill the requirements for that state?
You must check with that state's agency to confirm that the Texas state approved first-offender education program will be accepted by them. Most states have accepted this course as fulfillment of their requirements.
When will I receive my certificate?
For each class, the certificate is given to the student upon completion of the course if all fees are paid and all forms completed.
Can I take a class on Tuesday of this week and then take the Wednesday class during a subsequent week?
No. Classes must be taken in succession. Example: For DWI classes taught on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the classes must be taken in the schedule offered/posted.
Are there breaks?
We give a 10 minute break every hour.
May I bring food to class?
Yes! You may bring snacks and soft drinks/bottled water to class. Drinks are also available for purchase. Snacks may be eaten during break.
For any other questions, please feel free to call (281) 507-7585